After making edits to the site, the developer has to make sure that everything works as it should and that nothing has 'gone wrong' anywhere. If a small problem on one page is solved, it's easy - check that page, make sure everything is OK and move on.
But if a lot of work has been done on the site, even the most experienced developers are not immune to problems with the functionality or visual. Flaws may simply not be found with a special search, so the worst is if the client of your site finds them.
It's up to the developers to monitor performance, but the budget may not always be enough for hours of testing. But we've found an alternative - automated testing. In simple words: the developer doesn't go through every page with a check. He simply runs a special service which tells him if the site is OK.
Our testing predominantly checks the site's visuals: nothing has moved away, the elements are in place, and so on.
This helps to reduce the time spent on manual checking, to keep the site in optimal condition and to minimize the cost of testing hours.
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